

welder in action

Our Resources

Welcome to AOES's Resources Page! Dive into a wealth of valuable content featuring popular videos, inspiring testimonials, success stories, and the latest insightful blog posts. Explore how AOES solutions are revolutionizing safety and productivity in the welding and electrical contracting industries.

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Introduction to AOES

LEADLOCK™ & MACHINELOCK™ - Economic Benefits

LEADLOCK™ - Addressing Welder Mental Stress

Success Stories

"Leadlock is Invaluable"

"Overall from a time saving, safety and security standpoint, Leadlock is invaluable. In my nearly 15 years as a union Boilermaker I can't believe this invention hasn't came around. I will continue to use Leadlock on every job..."

- Z.J., Matrix Foreman

"Time Is Money"

"Time is money. I’ve seen, on countless occasions when a welding lead isn’t secured and an “arc off” occurs and severely damages the product. This unfortunate event is very costly and very preventable."

- S.S., Nuclear QC

"Maximize Your Time"

"No one wants to come into a job and have to rerun their leads from the day before because night shift or some other craft stole them. With lead lock you maximize your work time & come in knowing they’ll be where you left them."

- B.S., Boilermaker

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